Hi everyone!
After barely getting our foot in the door for the competition, I’ve been hard at work fixing bugs. A multitude of bugs. You can read more about the hardships here.
I was very generous in handing out minor version numbers, but mainly for version control and to keep my focus together. This 0.1.4 is the first that feels a bit like a game should feel.
Like in any adventure game, maybe you can figure out the puzzles for yourself, but we’re very proud of our dialog, so we invite you to talk to everyone and everything all the time for clues and more.
So it isn’t exactly polished yet, but quirks such as being able to take a short-cut toward the end of the game have been fixed, as have all known z-index bugs. Animations also got some love, but they’d require a lot of framework-level effort to get really there.
Unfortunately the outstanding bugs include accidentally re-entering the crashed UFO if you walk close to the airlock. I believe putting that behind the action menu is a gameplay change that would not be accepted.
Likewise we had a situation where you could end up in an unfinishable state. This was prevented at the last moment; you’ll recognize it by a line of unrecorded dialog if you hit it. I don’t think that change would accord by the rules either.
Walk animations need more work, as do dialog text positioning. These are surprisingly tough problems in our stack of choice at the moment, so no promises on when I’ll get them fixed. The sad thing is that not all dialog is visible toward the end of the game, which is bad for the hard-of-hearing players.
Please download, play and enjoy!
And give us your honest opinion in comments or votes, because this is the first game we made!